Private, monthly donations to help families pay for elder care.

  1. Create your private group.
  2. Invite family & friends.
  3. Collect monthly donations for your aging loved one.
Create Your Group
Heart illustration.
Heart illustration.Illustration of an elderly woman in a rocking chair.
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The rising costs of elder care

As the elderly population increases, demand for care services is steadily rising, bringing dramatically higher costs each year. Too many American families struggle to manage these fast-growing yet essential expenditures.


Americans age 40+ are not confident they can afford their long-term needs


Average annual out of pocket cost for elder care expenses


Families caring for an elderly parent have no plan to pay expenses

Plan your family support by calculating each member’s average contribution
$100 $5,000+
1 50+

Needed from each person to reach per month

Sign Up Free

Collectively support loved ones

AutoGive seamlessly links communities and families for simplified, private, collective elder care funding.

Get started
User icon.

You control access to the group for maximum privacy. Post private updates to your members.

Automatic payments icon.

Group members cover the fees so you can put the full gift amount toward expenses.

Heart illustration.

Monthly donations provide reliable, ongoing support for your ongoing care.

Launch your elder care support group

Build a caring circle for your loved one. Start an AutoGive group to manage expenses together. Friends and family contribute, so every penny goes directly to their care.

Illustration of elderly couple.


Set up a group for your loved one

Illustration of family sending and receiving an envite.


Invite family and friends to join and contribute

Illustration for a bank deposit


Connect your bank account to receive weekly direct deposits

Common Questions about using AutoGive to pay for elder care

Does AutoGive offer loans or other assistance to help with raising funds for elder care?

No, AutoGive does not offer loans, grants or other funding. We focus all our efforts on making our platform great so you can get your loved one the support they need.

Does using AutoGive require me to be affiliated with a particular nursing home or assisted living brand?

No. AutoGive is an independent enterprise and has no relationship with any elder care community or brand.

Can I use AutoGive donations for supplies and other needs related to my loved one’s care?

Absolutely. The funds you raise through AutoGive are for you to use in support of your loved one. We do recommend you track your spending and save receipts, though.

Does AutoGive partner with and/or offer discounts to any elder care providers?

No, we are currently a fully independent enterprise.

What about supplies or specific services — does AutoGive offer any partner discounts?

No, AutoGive does not partner with any elder care equipment and/or supply industry companies for discounts.

What about my senior loved ones’ friends? Can they help with elder care expenses?

Of course! Group organizers are welcome to invite anyone they feel would make a great addition to their group.

Myself and/or my loved one has friends in other parts of the world — can they participate?

While anyone receiving funds from AutoGive needs to be based in the U.S., anyone anywhere in the world can participate as a group member as long as they have a valid debit card or credit card.

What if my or my loved one’s family and friend circle is small?

That’s okay! Start with the network you do have, and build from there. If your AutoGive circle members are comfortable, they may be willing to invite people too. And, it may be a good idea to post about your AutoGive group on social media (depending on your comfort level).

My loved one wants to manage their own finances. Can I still run an AutoGive program for them?

Yes. How you disburse your group’s funds is up to you, your group and your loved one. Collecting funds and transferring them to your loved one is available by selecting “for someone else” during setup, then inviting them to join the group and add their bank account.

What if my loved one no longer needs support but I still have group funds in my account?

All money collected into your group is deposited weekly. If you decide to end your group, no further donations will be collected. However, any remaining funds will still be deposited to the recipient's bank account.

I still have a question…

No problem! We’d love to hear from you. Contact Us!

Ease the burden of long-term care

Coin illustrationEnvelope illustration.Heart illustration.Coin illustrationHeart illustration.
Launch your AutoGive group